We have been travelling along the mediterranean coast in Turkey for about one week – from Izmir to Antalya. Between the beach, stunning coastal landscape and ancient ruins we took some pictures, which we would like to share with you (click on image for larger view).
Camping at the coast
Filippo planning the route for the day
Preparing dinner at the fire
Stone pyramides
Campsite at the beach near Selcuk
Filippo enjoying the sunset
The ancient ruins in Ephesus
Well, at least they are honest....
Heike looking for Wifi....
Posing at the beach - with wave in the background!
We have a visitor - a turtoise in front of our tent.
Not the worst place for the kitchen.
The fires in Chimera - gas that is leaking from the rocks is burning here - fascinating!
Heike ran out of fuel - we have to fill the F650GS from FIlippos
Ah, finally the many water ballet lessons pay off....